Wednesday, June 9, 2010


You know I read Weddingbee religiously and I fall in love with these bloggers and their weddings and then they get married and it's like poof, they disappear. I get so upset because want all the yummy details, I want to see how the entire wedding ended up turning out and I was always thought to myself, is it really that hard to do a recap? Now I'm looking a little sheepish because as you may have noticed,  I'm totally guilty of the disappearing act as well. It's weird because prior to the wedding I could usually manage a post at least every other day, yet post-wedding I feel like I struggle to get one out every two weeks. It's been crazy, job hunting, speeding tickets, graduations, hospitilizations, just trying to enjoy married life and stuggling to figure out our future (we'll discuss that more over at Tales from the SalTals our newlywed blog which is in constuction right now). But I have some time now and I have my beautiful pictures from Jackie so I can share my wedding in detail with you.

Where did I last leave off? Oh, that's right it was coming up on Wedding Week. The Monday and Tuesday of wedding week (April 12th and 13th) were final project days. Printing programs, wrapping favors, and getting everything packed up and ready to haul over to our ceremony and reception sites. It was pure craziness.

Monday, Mr. Tal was working furiously to make our wedding canopy work while I was fighting with my compter and printer to make the ceremony programs come out just right. Let me tell you our apartment is not big, so Mr. Tal putting up a 5x7 canopy in our living room while I am printing and assembling programs in the same room would have been a little comical, but adding the freaked out dog and two cats it was downright hysterical. Let's just say the canopy fell a time or two and not just because of inadequet structural support and my programs (and the ribbons that tied them together) got attacked by some kitty paws. I would have found it funny if I wasn't so stressed out.

Tuesday, I spent most of the day assembling programs, packing and cleaning since we were going to have some guest come over that night. Mr. Tal spent the day at work pretending to work while really figuring out how to make the canopy work. That night he ended up buying bigger bases, paint and gravel to finish up that project. Meanwhile, I asked demanded my friends Miss A and Mrs C to help put together our cookie bag favors while we watched American Idol. In return they got to eat any leftover cookies, so I think it was a win win.

Wednesday was my pamper day. Momma Sal had given me a card for my shower with Mr. Tal's family that requested that we get manicures and facials two days before the wedding. The facials didn't work out because I know that breakouts often happen in the week or so after the facials so we ended up getting mani/pedis and going out to a nice lunch together. It was heaven after all the stress of the last few weeks. It was really nice to spend some alone time with my mom before the big day. That night Mr. Tal and I packed up all of our wedding supplies (oh, how much bigger the apartment seemed) in his truck in preparation for the next day which was set-up and rehearsal.

I promise there won't be too big of a gap in between this post and the next.

Please tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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