Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's been a while, but I've been busy, busy, busy, like a little bee. School is just zipping along, Mr. Tal's birthday was last weekend, plus our official anniversary, and I had a wonderful bridesmaid's luncheon. It's been an amazing few weeks. Oh, and the biggest news of all, my save the dates arrived (!!!) and went out (well at least a few of them, some people *ahem, mamma and poppa* haven't given me addresses).

Without further ado, here are my Save the Dates:

I love it, it's so us, the back is just our website info, so I'm not posting that up, but it's till pretty rock and roll as far as the font goes. We have had a few issues with people accessing the website, mostly because the font made a few of the "L's" look like back slashes, which is an oopsie on my part. Mr. Tal insists it looks fine and people just don't know how to read websites, but I think he's just trying to make me feel better.
I'll post more on the other events, at least the wedding related ones soon, promise, no more slacking.

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY Bride.

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