Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Big "D"

Doubt that is. In my previous post I listed some reasons for my months long absence from blogging, most of those are pretty self-explanatory, at least I think they are. However, number three indicated some doubts had arisen between Mr. Tal and myself. Rest assured these doubt were in no way about us getting married, we are sure about that. No, our doubts stemmed from the big, evil budget.

Our budget is decent, we settled for about $9,500 that we would feel comfortable spending on a single day. I think current weddings are averaging in the $20,000 range, so we felt really good about our own budget. Most of our expenses are fitting well into that budget, but in recent months with my unemployment situation, I felt less and less convinced that spending any money on a wedding was a good idea. Combine my lack of income with some wedding planning stress and voila, a recipe for doubts. Being the level-headed guy that he is, Mr. Tal assured me that we are doing the right thing and if we eloped we would certainly regret it. I never really believed him the days when he said these things but always the next morning, I would agree and we would move on. I still have some concerns but we have done our best to create a beautiful, fabulous wedding on a respectable budget and that's the best I can hope for.

Gah, too much seriousness for me today. Okay, I promise a fun post either tomorrow or Tuesday. Maybe a little post on the final (for real, I promise, they are paid for) bridesmaids dress selections.

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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