Tuesday, March 16, 2010


(Yes, I am a geek)

Before I get this party started, I have to note that today marks the big countdown. That's right people we are officially one month out from our wedding. Sweet chocolate candy, marshmallow, jelly bean! Srsly, when did that happen? People were asking me at all the weekend festivities if I am getting nervous, well, I wasn't until last night...gulp! I know all this stuff will get done it's just daunting. Anywho, let's move on.

So Friday, ummm, yeah Friday. I am proud to say that I made it through Friday like a champ. We hit up Longhorn for dinner, had a nice meal, chit chatted, then headed to the bar. This is where the strawberry margarita came into play:

So yummy! I promised myself that I wasn't going to do shots at the bar but my friends had different ideas. I only had two and never was I crazy drunk. We had a great time, did a little dancing, a lot of drinking and just a general crazy night. Some pictures:

Friend A and her beer!

Co-worker T, Friend C, and Co-worker C
Bestie and MOH K
Me throwing down the kissy face and peace sign...note, I do this almost everytime I am drunk.
Friends A and C!

Mr. Tal came and picked us up around 1AM, K and I went home and had some food and more to drink. I don't think that I went to sleep until 3AM and we all slept until noon the next day.

Saturday was a day of recovery, then Sunday was my Harry Potter Shower!!!

This shower was for my side of the family and it was a lot of fun. Take a look at my cake:

Yes that is the sorting hat with a veil, and there are wands behind it. When we got there we were sorted into houses and everyone sat at seperate house tables. We had some yummy food (shredded chicken, veggies, ballreich chips, and baked beans), played some games:

A few rounds of bingo and a timed word search. And Mr. Tal came and helped me open gifts! My sisters did a great job with my shower and it was a lot of fun. I'm trying to let go of the fact that there were a few people that didn't bother to call and tell my sisters that they weren't coming. But I can't do anything about it and if they hadn't had told me then I wouldn't have known, and really since I didn't plan it, I shouldn't know. Those of us that did show up had a lot of fun and I'm grateful that they did come and help me celebrate.

Tell me about your bachelorette parties and showers!

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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