Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wedding Apathy

Since the beginning of this week I have suddenly had a case of "I don't cares" related to the wedding. I can't really put my finger on what is causing this little case of indifference but I am really hoping that it goes away soon. There is still a lot to do and we are 37 days out, but I just can't bring myself to care. I need to work on our guest book layout, there are some little DIY things that I need to do, but I just don't want to. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that for the past few weeks I have been cranking out wedding projects like none other and also blogging about it. Maybe it's because Mr. Tal and I have also had very little down time. He's been working late during the week to help make some final wedding payments, once he gets home we have to run around town buying supplies and doing the weekend errands, since weekends are consumed with parties and projects. I knew this month was going to be difficult, the month before the wedding usually is, it is just turning out to be a lot harder to handle than I thought.  Maybe it is because there has also been some problems completely unrelated to the wedding that have been giving me some awful anxiety. Whatever the reason, the indifference is there.

I think I might just ride the apathy wave for the rest of this week and try not to worry about wedding stuff, maybe a little break is what I need. I am also hoping that some time with Mr. Tal tonight will help as well. Maybe by next week I will have kicked the indifferent attitude out of my system and I can get on track with wedding things.

Has anyone else hit an indifference road bump close to the wedding? How did you handle it?

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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