Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear David's Bridal,

Thank you for understanding that with happiness comes weight gain. Your alterations department is fabulous.


Like I mentioned on Friday, I had my first fitting at David's Bridal on Saturday. (Pause for girly squeals...and moving on) I was super excited, but also super nervous. You see, I ordered my dress last year, and when I ordered the dress I had asked for a size eight. The consultant reassured me that a six would fit me much better and so I believed her. Silly consultant, I know my body best. The six no longer fit. (I know, shock!) but I wasn't too worried about it, I thought taking it out just a smidge would fix it. Well, come to find out that they can't take my dress out, which I found out after my second hair trial on Wednesday, when I went in to see the hair with my dress. By this time I was preturbed with my consultant, but quickly found an eight on the rack and asked if we could trade my dress for the size eight. The nice David's Bridal people held it until my fitting on Saturday so that the seamstresses could have a look first and then decide. Well, at the actual fitting, the eight fit like a glove, whereas the six fit like a corset someone tied too tight. So they traded my dress out with no problems, it was awesome that they were so understanding. There were a few minor alterations and my bustle to pin, but it wasn't bad at all and the bustle is beautiful. I may post pictures after my next fitting so that all you dear people can get an idea of what my dress looks like, I'll just title the post "Mr. Tal buzz off". At the end of the day, I am so happy and grateful  that there was a very happy ending (or middle?) with my dress. To think about what might have happened had my mom and I not gone into David's after my hair trial gives me a little shiver down my spine. It was fate.

Any other readers had acts of fate work out for the best? Please share.

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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