Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Most of my ideas for the wedding have been inspired from others. I see things that other people create and I find ways to modify it to fit the vibe of our wedding. I honestly think that is the way most brides are, they search the web, read books and magazines in search of inspiration, take ideas and make them their own. It works for the most part, because every wedding is different.

There have been very few ideas that I have seen and thought, "I must do that exact project!" Except this one:

SO CUTE! I have been in desperate need to jazz up the tables at the reception and I saw this and just thought it was too perfect. This was one of the Bee Blogger's on Weddingbee (Miss Poodle to be exact) project. Well they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I hope she agrees. I showed Mr. Tal and he loved the idea so we ordered the utensils and bought some fabric and we are hoping to put these little beauties together this weekend.

Are there any ideas you have seen and just had to do the exact same thing?

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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