Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Let me tell you a little secret, I am one of the shyest people ever. I dislike public speaking and I loath being the center of attention. Guess what? Weddings require both those things. If you have known me for a long time that is so not the case but if you just met me you would think that I am mute. I am just not a  big sharer, I guess you could say that I am fairly private with my feelings and thoughts. Well at least when it comes to talking. But when I write, oh, it is like a magic. Every thought, every feeling comes out on paper like pure poetry. When I write, everything can sound eloquent and beautiful, because I have the time to think about what I am saying and how I want to say it. My shyness does not translate into my writing.

I am so grateful that I get to write my own vows, grateful and terrified. Grateful because I get to choose my words to tell Mr. Tal how I feel. Terrified because even if I have the time to write out how I feel about Mr. Tal, I still have to say it aloud in front of people. If it were just him and me, then I would have no problem telling him how grateful I am that God brought him and I together, how blessed I feel to be able to share my life with his, and how much I love him. However, that is not the case, there will be a lot of people there, our families and friends. That is so not my scene. It makes me cringe and kind of want to cry. My hands get sweaty, my knees shake, and my mouth gets dry just thinking about it. If I thought that the traditional vows would be enough, I would be more than willing to just stick to those. As it is, Mr. Tal and I both agreed that writing our own vows in addition to reciting the traditonal vows would mean more to both of us. So now I am in the process of creating vows that capture the feelings I have for him perfectly. It is hard, more difficult that I could have imagined, but I think when the time comes the words will come out, albeit with a trembling voice, they will be beautiful.

Does anyone else have a problem with shyness? How does your shyness affect your life and big events?

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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