Thursday, February 25, 2010


(No, not the Natalie Imbruglia song. Do you remember that song?)

Our RSVPs have been rolling in since we sent our invites out a few weeks back. We sent them out a little earlier than called for to give folks a chance to book hotels and make the necessary travel arrangements if necessary. I must say that our guests are pretty creative with the Mad Lib style responses, some have been downright HI-larious (I may have to display the guests creativity at the reception...hmm, I foresee another project in the near future). I have also been a little suprised with the number of our guests who are attending. Not that I doubt that people want to be there for us on our big day, but we are having a Friday wedding and we accepted that some people might not be able to join us. However, out of the 24 response cards we have gotten back so far, only one has been a "no".

I got that first "no" response card yesterday and I felt really torn. I was at first very sad that the person was unable to make it, but then I was also a little happy because we need a few people to decline (like we counted on) to even out our numbers. Then I kind of felt like a jerk because I was happy. Ahh, the feelings involved when you are a bride, me thinks there are way too many emotions running through me at all hours.

Has anyone else felt torn when recieving a "no" response from friends or family?

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

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