Monday, March 29, 2010

Gone by in a flash

Saturday was my second shower with Mr. Tal's family up in Michigan, and it was a blast. I have some pictures some where but Mr. Tal had my camera last and I am not sure where he put it, so a more detailed run down of the event will have to wait until later today or tomorrow. In the mean time I thought I would talk about how fast the lead up to and whole shower went.

Here's the thing, this shower has been in the back of my mind for some time because it was the last event before the wedding, almost exactly 3 weeks before the big day. So to have it come and gone has kind of impacted me in a big way. We got home and after the gifts were unloaded and my mom and sisters headed home, Mr. Tal said something that nearly had me in tears, "Your bridal showers are over. You'll never have one again." He said it in a joking way, so don't think he was being malicious. I sat there for a minute and thought about how fast everything had gone by, even though I had been wishing for it to be here, I was sad to see it come and go. This actually lead to a very good conversation about the wedding, in which Mr. Tal and I talked about how we can savor our wedding day. I don't want it to feel like it did on Saturday, like it was over in a flash, so Mr. Tal and I discussed ways we can slow it down a little bit. We are scheduling several moments that we're going to disappear or take a time out from the festivities to just have a reality check. I am happy that we are trying to savor the entire day.

Did you or are you going to try to have moments during the day to keep yourselves in the moment?

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shower time!

My second shower with Mr. Tal's family up in Michigan is tomorrow and our engagement shoot is Sunday.  I'm pretty darn excited about both. I can't wait to see everyone and I am looking forward to working more closely with our photographer. Hopefully I will have some pretty snazzy pictures to share come Monday morning. Hope you all have a good weekend and happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I know, two post in one day, wha???

I just got home from a day out with my mom to find a box stuffed under my welcome mat. After I giggled at sight of the silliness, I mean seriously, it's a box shoved under the mat, like that's really going to stop someone? I thought, "Oh hey, that must be my cake topper!" I was giddy. You see I ordered my cake topper in December from Red Light Studio on, so I was excited to see them. They turned out SO GOOD. It was so worth the wait. I had to have my own personal photoshoot:

SO CUTE!!! I swoon.

I'm a hot mess...

...and it is all my fault. Seriously, it is. This is going to get down and dirty honest, real quick.

Let me preface by saying that I am a control freak, a perfectionist, and basically the quintessential first child. I find birthorder facinating and if I were to ever go back to school I would love to study it more in depth. It doesn't apply to everyone, but I find it astounding how well it applies to me and my sisters. The following list is from, this is what it says about first born children, first borns can be one of either two types Compliant or Agressive, but I found that I have traits in both areas, those bolded I see easily in myself:

Compliant Traits
  • People Pleasers
  • Crave Approval
  • Nurturers
  • Caregivers
  • Reliable
  • Concientious
  • Cooperative
  • Team Players
  • "Grin and bear it" mentality
Agressive Traits
  • Movers and shakers
  • Natural Leaders
  • Perfectionists
  • Driven
  • Conventional
  • Always have things under control
  • Assertive
  • Want things their way
All of this combines with the fact that I don't open up to anyone unless I have to. What does all this have to do with the wedding? Well, let me tell you. Basically, I have been a ball of stressful nerves because I have not let anyone help with this wedding. I thought I delegated,  I thought I opened up and talked, but I wasn't and I didn't. I learned this the hard way. 3 weeks out and I was am a hot mess. There is so much going on and so many thoughts running through my head and I tried to keep it all in. Bestie K and my Mom set me straight yesterday, it was hard to hear it but they both were right. I don't talk to anyone, I keep everything to myself, I try to handle it all and do it all and I can't. That was one of the hardest things in the world for me to admit, but it's true. I'm glad that I called Bestie, I'm glad that Mr. Tal in his worry for me called my mom. I'm glad that they both had the nerve to tell me how it is because hopefully, even though it is late in the game, I can delgate, I can open up and talk to my friends and my family, hopefully I can actually enjoy my own wedding.

Are you a first, middle, or youngest child? Does it affect your wedding planning?

Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Monday, March 22, 2010

    "I gotta find a sound. I gotta find a sound."

    (Quote from GG, season 4 episode 4, as said by Zach)

    I know I have been remiss in blogging. Cut me a little slack, my wedding is in 3 weeks and I'm starting to freak out a little. Kthxbi. Moving on.

    Music is the center of our relationship. We rock out in the car while running errands. We dance in the living room with the record player on while cleaning. We met while we were singing karaoke. It's a big deal. Same goes for the wedding, music is kind of a big deal there too.

    Songs to walk down the aisle to, songs for the processional, songs for the recessional, enterance music, first dance, parent's dance. It is a lot of music. It is hard. What makes it harder is that Mr. Tal and I have slightly different taste in music...well, Mr. Tal is kind of a music snob. Okay, not so much anymore, he used to detest country and pop and now he tolerates it and even will sing along to a few songs. I don't think he's really into my indie/alt rock tastes, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I digress.

     It's been a challenge finding songs that seem to gel with both of our tastes and not being traditional. Example A: I'm not walking down the aisle to "Here Comes the Bride", I could say that it is because of the openly anti-Smite feelings of the Wagner, but really I just want to be different. I really dig classical pieces, honestly, but I wanted a more modern feel to our ceremony. See, not so easy. Don't worry, I found a song, a couple actually (yest I'm still deciding), it's just been a trial.

    Example B: Our first dance song...gah, forgetaboutit absolute nightmare. There are so many songs that are part of our history that it wasn't until last Monday that we actually had the courage (read: had to due to meeting the DJ on Tuesday) to sit down and discuss it. Literally had about a dozen songs that fit us. Slowly wittled it down to 4, then 2, then we chose one, but I kind of want to do the other one. Hahaha. Yay indecision!

    Has anyone else had problems with music decisions, how did you pick a good song?

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    Chilly Feet

    It's official I am nervous, but not for the reason you think. I am totally ready to marry Mr. Tal. It's just I am looking around and seeing all this stuff and thinking, "Really, I still have all this to do? This is all going to come together to look like how I imagined it in my head? A hundred people are gonna be looking at me? Gah, what if I have a zit?" That's just a tiny portion of the thoughts going 'round in there.

    My feet are a little cold, in the non-traditional sense, but then I have never been one for tradition. I am more nervous for how the day is going to go, how things are going to look, and oh yeah, being the center of attention. All that kind of makes me want to crawl into bed and tell Mr. Tal I changed my mind and what's wrong with Vegas? The rational part of me knows that everyone is going to have a good time, things will look pretty even if they aren't perfect (and who even will know what it is suppose to look like besides me), and I will be so focused on Mr. Tal I won't notice all eyes on me. That's the rational part of me. It is the emotional part of me that asks all those questions. I just have to learn to listen to the rational more than the emotional, or I need to get some thicker socks.

    Anyone else have some chilly feet? What caused the chill?

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Tuesday, March 16, 2010


    (Yes, I am a geek)

    Before I get this party started, I have to note that today marks the big countdown. That's right people we are officially one month out from our wedding. Sweet chocolate candy, marshmallow, jelly bean! Srsly, when did that happen? People were asking me at all the weekend festivities if I am getting nervous, well, I wasn't until last night...gulp! I know all this stuff will get done it's just daunting. Anywho, let's move on.

    So Friday, ummm, yeah Friday. I am proud to say that I made it through Friday like a champ. We hit up Longhorn for dinner, had a nice meal, chit chatted, then headed to the bar. This is where the strawberry margarita came into play:

    So yummy! I promised myself that I wasn't going to do shots at the bar but my friends had different ideas. I only had two and never was I crazy drunk. We had a great time, did a little dancing, a lot of drinking and just a general crazy night. Some pictures:

    Friend A and her beer!

    Co-worker T, Friend C, and Co-worker C
    Bestie and MOH K
    Me throwing down the kissy face and peace sign...note, I do this almost everytime I am drunk.
    Friends A and C!

    Mr. Tal came and picked us up around 1AM, K and I went home and had some food and more to drink. I don't think that I went to sleep until 3AM and we all slept until noon the next day.

    Saturday was a day of recovery, then Sunday was my Harry Potter Shower!!!

    This shower was for my side of the family and it was a lot of fun. Take a look at my cake:

    Yes that is the sorting hat with a veil, and there are wands behind it. When we got there we were sorted into houses and everyone sat at seperate house tables. We had some yummy food (shredded chicken, veggies, ballreich chips, and baked beans), played some games:

    A few rounds of bingo and a timed word search. And Mr. Tal came and helped me open gifts! My sisters did a great job with my shower and it was a lot of fun. I'm trying to let go of the fact that there were a few people that didn't bother to call and tell my sisters that they weren't coming. But I can't do anything about it and if they hadn't had told me then I wouldn't have known, and really since I didn't plan it, I shouldn't know. Those of us that did show up had a lot of fun and I'm grateful that they did come and help me celebrate.

    Tell me about your bachelorette parties and showers!

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Friday, March 12, 2010

    Happy Weekend!

    It's finally Friday! For me, that means that tonight I will head out with my girls (the ones that couldn't make last week's party) and we will have some dinner and some a lot of drinks. Tomorrow will be a day of recovery and Sunday will be my Harry Potter themed shower. Yes, I am having a Harry Potter themed shower, and yes, I am super excited about it. Hope everyone has a good weekend and I will be back to post on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone!

    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Great Read: "The Five Languages of Love"

    One of my favorite things to do is read. All the time. I could live in the library or the bookstore. One of my major goals in life is to have my own library in my house. Luckily enough this is a huge thing that Mr. Tal and I have in common, every night we will lay in bed each buired in our own little book world. Recently, I took notice around the hive (Weddingbee boards for those not in the know) that there was some buzz (it was too easy) about a book called The Five Languages of Love: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman. While wandering the bookstore with Mr. Tal a few weeks back I saw this book and decided to get it, with the understanding that Mr. Tal would also read it.

    Within the first five minutes of reading the book, I was hooked. I probably finished the book within 2 days. This specific version of the book (as there is one for men, one for singles, one for teens, etc.) focuses primarily on marriage, which seemed appropriate given our upcoming nuptials. The author talks about how he feels there are five different ways that people express love and like to recieve love. The book's main focus is describing each of these languages and helping men and women discover which ways they give and recieve love. My favorite thing overall about this book was that the author says repeatedly that giving love to your partner is a choice. To really understand that statement I think you would have to read the book in it's entirety.

    This book has actually changed things for Mr. Tal and I. I always thought that we did pretty good, we have never really lost that loving feeling, we fight pretty rarely, we still get giggly and crazy silly butterflies. So for me to say that things have changed, it is a big deal. By reading this book I discovered that my primary love language is quality time and my secondary language is physical touch. My primary didn't suprise me, anytime Mr. Tal and I have had a fight it usually revolved around me complaining that we never spend time together but my secondary did. It does make sense, everytime in Mr. Tal is in the room I try to touch his hand, shoulder, back, whatever. However, that doesn't make Mr. Tal feel loved because his primary language is words of affirmation and his secondary is acts of service. He feels loved when I say positive things to him and when I do things for him. I don't have a problem with the acts of service part, I love to cook and clean and run errands for him, however, saying nice things is really hard for me. I don't mean to say that I am an unkind shrew, but the book talks about how some things may not come natural to you  because you didn't grow up experiencing that type of love language and for me to speak like that isn't natural. Just like it isn't natural for Mr. Tal to spend quality time together. He always felt that we spent lots of time together, but to me that time together wasn't quality, watching TV together isn't time with him. So we both have some adjusting to do.

    We have tried really hard to adjust the way that we express love to each other and it has actually made a big difference in our relationship. It has been a really big blessing in this household. I am so glad we decided to read this book.

    Have any of you read this book? Did it make a difference in your relationship?

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    Wedding Apathy

    Since the beginning of this week I have suddenly had a case of "I don't cares" related to the wedding. I can't really put my finger on what is causing this little case of indifference but I am really hoping that it goes away soon. There is still a lot to do and we are 37 days out, but I just can't bring myself to care. I need to work on our guest book layout, there are some little DIY things that I need to do, but I just don't want to. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that for the past few weeks I have been cranking out wedding projects like none other and also blogging about it. Maybe it's because Mr. Tal and I have also had very little down time. He's been working late during the week to help make some final wedding payments, once he gets home we have to run around town buying supplies and doing the weekend errands, since weekends are consumed with parties and projects. I knew this month was going to be difficult, the month before the wedding usually is, it is just turning out to be a lot harder to handle than I thought.  Maybe it is because there has also been some problems completely unrelated to the wedding that have been giving me some awful anxiety. Whatever the reason, the indifference is there.

    I think I might just ride the apathy wave for the rest of this week and try not to worry about wedding stuff, maybe a little break is what I need. I am also hoping that some time with Mr. Tal tonight will help as well. Maybe by next week I will have kicked the indifferent attitude out of my system and I can get on track with wedding things.

    Has anyone else hit an indifference road bump close to the wedding? How did you handle it?

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    The Slumber PAR-TAY

    This past weekend was UH-MAZING!!! Let's see where should we the beginning, I guess.

    Saturday started off with me getting myself purty and turning green with envy over the fact that Mr. Tal could get ready in 2.5 seconds (and still look hot). After I got ready, I packed up all my little things and then I headed over to David's Bridal to meet my mom for her fitting. After some pins and money transactions we headed back to my place to pick up Pepper and my stuff and then headed to my parent's house to pick up my sisters and T. Finally we were on the road and on our way to C-bus.

    We arrived at sis-to-be's house a smidge late (stupid traffic) but it was okay. The house was decorated with streamers, balloons, and some of the tamer Playgirl pictures with Mr. Tal's head glued on (yes, I'm serious, yes it was hilarious). We spent the first hour and a half talking, drinking Manda-tinis (delicious), eating and having a grand old time. Then we left for Bucca di Peppo. This is where the pictures from the evening started.
    Like my veil? I think it's hot. That Momma Tal in the background
    Sister A and T (known that night at Hot-T)
    Like Sis-to-be's face? Those girls behind her are cheerleaders who tried to sing Journey in the was torture.
    Momma Sal and Sister E!
    Bestie K and Me at the table!
    Someone's finger, Sis-to-be and Momma Tal before ordering.
    Pepper Anne!
    Bestie after dinner and a pitcher of sangria (hahaha, awesome)!

    After dinner we headed back to the house and played Wii, watched a movie, ate and drank some more. It was a really fun night, and I think everyone had a great time. I especially, enjoyed the festivites.

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Friday, March 5, 2010

    Woot, Woot!!

    Do you know what today is? That's right it is Friday! Not just any Friday, this particular Friday is the Friday before my slumber party style bachelorette! While the boys party it up here in Toledo, I will be down in C-bus (Columbus) with my Momma, sisters, sis-to-be, bestie, Momma Tal (yes, my MIL is coming to my bachelorette, because she is just that cool) and my sister's roomate T! We're going out to dinner then back to sis-to-be's house to rock it out old school style, with games, movies, the whole nine yards, even some adult beverages (for those of us that can induldge)! There are so many exclamation points in this post, but it's because I am so excited!!! I'm just excited to have some relaxing time with my girls, it's been a less than stress-free week and I think I deserve a little down time.

    So have a good weekend, maybe with any luck it will be as good as mine! Pictures and stories should be on the blog on Monday (if I have recovered by then).

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    The Miscellaneous

    Besides the utensil wraps that we completed this past weekend, we got a few miscellaneous projects started and a few completed. The pew cones from way back when, those are done with the exception of needing some crumpled up paper to steady the flowers in them. Some of the centerpieces got painted and glued together. Some of the garland strands were strung on wire. Mr. Tal cut out the wood that the table name cards will be held in and the holes were hammered into those to hold the wire. Like I said, lots of miscellaneous things. Take a look:

    Momma Sal making the pew cones!

    Sister A painting pots, I assisted with this along with gluing the pots on top of each other to create our tall centerpieces.

    Sister E attaching wire to the massive amounts of cut up strands of garland for the centerpieces.

    Sister A hammering holes into the wood pieces that Mr. Tal cut. See the massive amount of wood pucks in that plastic bag?

    The completed name card holders with wire and all!

    We still have some work to do, the name card holders need wire, we need to assemble all the centerpieces, we need to stuff the pew cones, but we got a lot knocked off the list. It seems so crazy that our wedding is only six weeks away from tomorrow, I keep thinking there is so much to do but in reality we have gotten a lot done and my DIY to do list is becoming shorter and shorter.

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010


    It felt a little weird not to blog yesterday but I think I needed a little break to recover from a little cold. Now on to your regularly scheduled posting.

    As I said on Monday, this past weekend was really productive, especially on Sunday. There was a bunch of miscellaneous crafting done but one really big project was completed. The silverware wraps! I took the fabric I had starched a few days prior to prevent fraying and Momma Sal and sisters A and E created an assembly line.
    There's Momma Sal cutting out the fabric strips. Meanwhile in the kitchen, sister E is laying the utensils and napkins in neat, easy to grab piles (which I don't have a picture of, but if you look in the first picture below you can see the neat piles and E herself). After the strips are cut, I take them into the kitchen for sisters A and E.
    (E and her piles above, helping out A, below,  with the second and third steps)

    We did this next step the lazy woman's way, instead of sewing on the buttons we glued them on. Go, go super lazy powers! Then we closed the wrap and glued it shut. I know, not the best way to do things but it ended up looking fine and we knocked these babies out in 2 hours flat.  Check out the massive piles!

    I may be biased but I think these little suckers turned out rather well, especially for deciding to do them last week!

    But FMT, what does the title of your post have to do with anything? You didn't stich anything, you were lazy? Well that's a funny side story, fifteen minutes into the assembly line, I hear my mom call out for me and ask if Momma Tal has any band aids in her house. Umm I don't know. I called downstairs for Mr. Tal who promptly ran upstairs and asked what for? Remember the little roller fabric cutter my mom was cranking out fabric strips with? Yeah, she sliced her finger with it.(Honestly, Mr. Tal wonders why I am so klutzy sometimes, well I inherited it.) Here's the thing, we Sal's don't do things half-assed, she cut her finger and she cut it good. It didn't even hurt. Without being too graphic she needed another band aid within an hour. The next day she told me that she had to splint her finger at work because everytime she moved it it broke open. Yeah, she probably needed stiches, and now you understand the title of my post.

    Have you ever had a project that injured yourself or others?

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.

    Monday, March 1, 2010


    This weekend was just that exhausting. Emotionally, physically, mentally, I feel a drained. We got a lot done, crafts, shopping, decisions, it was productive of course, but just kind of exhausing. Where to even start? I guess at the beginning, which as Friday night.

    Friday night we decided to go shopping, usually a favorite activity of mine, it wasn't that much fun. We were looking for cardigans to go over my dress for my showers, an easy way to change the look (and save some money). We ended up getting some honeymoon clothes for Mr. Tal first before finding something for me. I also got some cute jammies on sale for the sleepover bachelorette this weekend.

    Saturday morning and afternoon we ended up running around looking for groomsmens and bridesmaids gifts along with stuff for the kids bags, success. Saturday we ended up going out to dinner which was suppose to be our relxing time, but it wasn't so much. We ended up running around Toledo trying to find a place to eat where the wait wasn't 2 hours.

    Finally, Sunday, was the mother of all craft days. My mom and sisters came up and we headed to Momma Tal's abode to work. Five hours and about 4 or 5 projects later, we returned, vicorious and exhaused. That exhaustion has stuck with me until today. Possibly also a result of the cold I am getting, goody.

    Anyway, I will post the results of the weekend later this week. I am too tired to do it today.

    Tune in next time for more tales from a DIY bride.